Occasionally, in looking through the old newsletters in our archives, we find challenging, thought-provoking articles that we would like to share again with our current day members and supporters. This issue's reprint comes from former FCPO President Myrle Carner. It originally appeared in the January/February 1982 issue of The Christian Peace Officer. Myrle is still an active FCPO member and faithful supporter.
I trust each of you had a super Christmas and I want to wish each of you God's richest blessing for the coming year.
As I was preparing this brief letter, I couldn't help but think about how much fun I had with my family during the Christmas season. Even though Christmas has come and gone, I still see a few displays of Christmas lights around the city. This provoked a thought in my mind. I wondered if I was still a "Light" in this world.
I really believe that a lot of Christian officers feel they aren't very productive witnesses for Christ, but I know we underestimate our potential as "lights" in our world. We often think the world doesn't want the light, but we are mistaken. The world is crying for it! The people in your city are hungry and thirsty for the truth. They are waiting for the Christian to lead out with a lighted torch. I believe if they see the light, they will follow.
Sometimes, we become so obsessed with the machinery and obligations of the job that we concentrate all the light just doing our own work while other people all around us stumble in the darkness. We are too prone to hold the light at our own feet instead of high over our heads where all may see it.
There is no such thing as having a talent and being free from the responsibility of it. There is no such thing as having a lighted lamp and having no responsibility to share it with those in darkness. There is no such thing as having an opportunity to do a good deed and escaping the responsibility to do it.
We may accuse those whom we think are dishonest with their talents, but what about those of us who hide our "Christian Light"? Isn't it time to let your Christian light shine on those who work with you? I really pray and hope that each of you will think about your individual responsibility to to share "Light" with someone during this new year.
2158 Northgate Park Lane, Suite 413
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37415
423-553-8806 l Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm EST
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