We encourage you to use this list of Old and New Testament passages to research
the calling under which the peace officer operates.
Genesis 3:1-7 - First criminals: Adam and Eve disobey God's command
Genesis 3:24 - Police of Eden: cherubim, powerful police with weapons (better than a "Glock")
Genesis 4:8 - First homicide: Cain and Abel
Genesis 34:2 - First rape case: Dinah (daughter of Jacob)
Genesis 37:20 - First conspiracy to commit murder: Joseph's brothers
Genesis 37:24 - First jail: Joseph in a cistern
Genesis 37:31 - Forensics: blood-stained coat
Genesis 37:36; 39:20; 40:3; 41:10 - Top cop: Potiphar, captain of the palace guard
Genesis 40 - Cupbearer: secret service (test the food and provide security)
Genesis 42:17, 24 - House arrest
Numbers 13 - Undercover work: Joshua and Caleb
Joshua 2:1 - Undercover work: spies to search out Jericho
1 Samuel 22:14 - David: bodyguard to King Saul
1 Samuel 26:15 - Abner: personal bodyguard
1 Samuel 28:2 - David: bodyguard to Philistine King Achish
1 Kings 10:5 - Secret Service: cupbearers to Solomon
2 Kings 1:9 - Leadership vs. Management: police sent to take Elijah into custody
2 Kings 11:4-12 - Security force ("United States Secret Service Uniformed Division"): temple police, bodyguards, religious police
1 Chronicles 18:7 - Benaiah: King David's bodyguard
Nehemiah 1:11 - Secret Service: leadership management
Nehemiah 4:9 - Shift work
Nehemiah 7:1-3 - Police protections for a city: gates, gatekeepers, duty, citadel, Police Chief Hananiah
Job 24:1-4, 13-17 - Criminals
Psalm 44:6-8 - Protection not in weapons
Psalm 101 - A police officer's prayer
Proverbs 29:2 - Results of righteousness among police (authority)
Isaiah 9:7 - Justice and righteousness belong together
Isaiah 33:15-16 - Godly police motto
Isaiah 56:10-12 - Lazy and blind police
Isaiah 62:6 - Watchmen on your walls
Jeremiah 40 - Nebuzaradan: good officer
Ezekiel 9:1 - Heavenly Police: spiritual realm, guardian angels over cities, nations, and individual people
Ezekiel 10:12 - Cherubim: heavenly police
Ezekiel 28:14-19 - Satan: was a heavenly guardian cherub but was fired for being a bad cop
Ezekiel 33:2 - Watchman: police guarding a city
Daniel 2:17 - Arioch: commander of the kings guard, good officer
Daniel 3:2 - Sheriffs
Amos 2:6-8 - Corruption and criminal activity
Amos 5:7, 10, 12 - Those opposed to justice and righteousness, accepting of perjury and bribes
Amos 5:15 - Justice and the court system: hate evil, love good
Amos 6:12 - Justice into poison, righteousness into bitterness
Micah 6:8 - Good police motto: justice, mercy, walk humbly with God
Zechariah 9:11 - Jail: waterless pit, cisterns
Matthew 8:5-13; Luke 7:1-10 - Roman officer of Capernaum: Jesus healed servant
Matthew 27:54; Luke 23:47 - Roman officer at the cross
Matthew 27:65 - Police at tomb
Mark 15:16 - Military police from the palace
Luke 3:14 - Honest police
Luke 22:52 - Temple police
John 7:45 - Temple police
John 18:12 - Military police
Acts 4:1 - Military police over the Temple (captain of the guard)
Acts 9:2 - Saul: special deputy
Acts 10 - Cornelius: chief of police
Acts 16:22-30 - Jailer (corrections officer): asks the most important question in the Bible
Acts 16:35 - Court officers
Acts 17:9 - Bonding practice
Acts 17:31 - Jesus as the Supreme Judge
Acts 21:31-32 - Riot police, military police
Acts 24:1 - Tertullus: lawyer (bought and paid for)
Acts 24:22 - Claudius Lysias: police commander in charge of Jerusalem
Acts 25:3 - Festus: in charge of the police, both civilian and military
Acts 27:1-3 - Julius: captain of the imperial regiment
Acts 28:16 - Paul's house arrest
Romans 13:1-5 - Where law enforcement gets its authority
2 Corinthians 10:4 - Heavenly weapons available to Christian police
Ephesians 6:10-20 - Protective gear
Philippians 1:12 - Corrections officer guarding Paul, palace police
Philippians 4:21 - Palace personnel, palace police among them
Revelation 20:1 - Angelic police arrest and detain Satan
2158 Northgate Park Lane, Suite 413
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37415
423-553-8806 l Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm EST
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