Law Enforcement in the Scriptures


Bible passages where the role, service, office, or type of law enforcement officer is found either implicitly or explicitly. 

We encourage you to use this list of Old and New Testament passages to research
the calling under which the peace officer operates. 

Old Testament

Genesis 3:1-7 - First criminals: Adam and Eve disobey God's command

Genesis 3:24 - Police of Eden: cherubim, powerful police with weapons (better than a "Glock")

Genesis 4:8 - First homicide: Cain and Abel

Genesis 34:2 - First rape case: Dinah (daughter of Jacob)

Genesis 37:20 - First conspiracy to commit murder: Joseph's brothers

Genesis 37:24 - First jail: Joseph in a cistern

Genesis 37:31 - Forensics: blood-stained coat

Genesis 37:36; 39:20; 40:3; 41:10 - Top cop: Potiphar, captain of the palace guard

Genesis 40 - Cupbearer: secret service (test the food and provide security)

Genesis 42:17, 24 - House arrest

Numbers 13 - Undercover work: Joshua and Caleb

Joshua 2:1 - Undercover work: spies to search out Jericho

1 Samuel 22:14 - David: bodyguard to King Saul

1 Samuel 26:15 - Abner: personal bodyguard

1 Samuel 28:2 - David: bodyguard to Philistine King Achish

1 Kings 10:5 - Secret Service: cupbearers to Solomon

2 Kings 1:9 - Leadership vs. Management: police sent to take Elijah into custody

2 Kings 11:4-12 - Security force ("United States Secret Service Uniformed Division"): temple police, bodyguards, religious police

1 Chronicles 18:7 - Benaiah: King David's bodyguard

Nehemiah 1:11 - Secret Service: leadership management

Nehemiah 4:9 - Shift work

Nehemiah 7:1-3 - Police protections for a city: gates, gatekeepers, duty, citadel, Police Chief Hananiah

Job 24:1-4, 13-17 - Criminals

Psalm 44:6-8 - Protection not in weapons

Psalm 101 - A police officer's prayer

Proverbs 29:2 - Results of righteousness among police (authority)

Isaiah 9:7 - Justice and righteousness belong together

Isaiah 33:15-16 - Godly police motto

Isaiah 56:10-12 - Lazy and blind police

Isaiah 62:6 - Watchmen on your walls

Jeremiah 40 - Nebuzaradan: good officer

Ezekiel 9:1 - Heavenly Police: spiritual realm, guardian angels over cities, nations, and individual people

Ezekiel 10:12 - Cherubim: heavenly police

Ezekiel 28:14-19 - Satan: was a heavenly guardian cherub but was fired for being a bad cop

Ezekiel 33:2 - Watchman: police guarding a city

Daniel 2:17 - Arioch: commander of the kings guard, good officer

Daniel 3:2 - Sheriffs

Amos 2:6-8 - Corruption and criminal activity

Amos 5:7, 10, 12 - Those opposed to justice and righteousness, accepting of perjury and bribes

Amos 5:15 - Justice and the court system: hate evil, love good

Amos 6:12 - Justice into poison, righteousness into bitterness

Micah 6:8 - Good police motto: justice, mercy, walk humbly with God

Zechariah 9:11 - Jail: waterless pit, cisterns

New Testament

Matthew 8:5-13; Luke 7:1-10 - Roman officer of Capernaum: Jesus healed servant

Matthew 27:54; Luke 23:47 - Roman officer at the cross

Matthew 27:65 - Police at tomb

Mark 15:16 - Military police from the palace

Luke 3:14 - Honest police

Luke 22:52 - Temple police

John 7:45 - Temple police

John 18:12 - Military police

Acts 4:1 - Military police over the Temple (captain of the guard)

Acts 9:2 - Saul: special deputy

Acts 10 - Cornelius: chief of police

Acts 16:22-30 - Jailer (corrections officer): asks the most important question in the Bible

Acts 16:35 - Court officers

Acts 17:9 - Bonding practice

Acts 17:31 - Jesus as the Supreme Judge

Acts 21:31-32 - Riot police, military police

Acts 24:1 - Tertullus: lawyer (bought and paid for)

Acts 24:22 - Claudius Lysias: police commander in charge of Jerusalem

Acts 25:3 - Festus: in charge of the police, both civilian and military

Acts 27:1-3 - Julius: captain of the imperial regiment

Acts 28:16 - Paul's house arrest

Romans 13:1-5 - Where law enforcement gets its authority

2 Corinthians 10:4 - Heavenly weapons available to Christian police

Ephesians 6:10-20 - Protective gear

Philippians 1:12 - Corrections officer guarding Paul, palace police

Philippians 4:21 - Palace personnel, palace police among them

Revelation 20:1 - Angelic police arrest and detain Satan

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