Being part of an FCPO Chapter is a great way for officers to learn how to live out their faith in their personal lives and their service to others. Life experiences and the Bible itself teach us there is strength in numbers. A Chapter gives individual members support and encouragement to live as a committed follower of Christ and be more effective in reaching the lost around them. It also provides a platform for sponsoring outreach events and community service activities.
Connect with other Christian peace officers as you come together to encourage and support each other.
Dig deeper and gain new insights and spiritual growth as you explore God's Word together.
Make a difference in your community and bond with fellow Christian officers as you serve the needs of others.
The Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers-USA has a network of over 260 Chapters across the United States, all within the umbrella of the national ministry. Local Chapters work in conjunction with the national ministry, drawing believers together from many local agencies to provide opportunities for fellowship, spiritual growth, ministry to others, accountability and encouragement. All local Chapters operate within the guidelines of the FCPO-USA bylaws. We require at least three active or retired officers to form a Chapter.
Pray for God to lead you to 2 or 3 Christian officers in your community (perhaps in other agencies) with a concern for the lost.
Set a regular time to meet to begin praying for unsaved officers around you.
Ask God to lead other Christian officers to become part of your prayer group.
Contact us (using the form below) to learn more about starting a Chapter in your area.
Besides strength in numbers, an FCPO Chapter provides continuity and official recognition by those around you. Most important of all, in an era of growing Christian persecution, it helps members be accountable to one another and helps them keep their commitment to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ.
Please contact me with more information. (U.S. Inquiries Only, Please)
Thank you for contacting us about starting an FCPO chapter in your area!
An FCPO representative will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
2158 Northgate Park Lane, Suite 413
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37415
423-553-8806 l Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm EST
The Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers-USA is a 501(c)(3) organization. Gifts are deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations.
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