
A look at the major milestones and events in the history of FCPO. 

In October, 1971, a group of Christian officers began to pray as to how they could effectively share Christ with lost officers around them. As a result of those prayers, the Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers (FCPO) was born.



Two Los Angeles Police Department officers attended a Bible Seminar in Long Beach, California, unbeknownst to each other, and recognized each other along with a number of other LAPD officers. They began meeting regularly to read and study the Bible.


FCPO is Founded

Originally calling themselves the Fellowship of Christian Policemen, the group changed their name to the Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers in 1972 to include members from all areas of the law enforcement community.



The Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers was incorporated as a nonprofit ministry in 1974, and as news of the ministry spread, other Christians in the law enforcement community with a burden for lost officers began to form local chapters.


Regional Conferences

FCPO regional conferences began across the nation. These 2-3 day conferences were close to home for many officers and improved communications between individual chapters and the national board.


FCPO Canada

The Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers-Canada was founded in 1983. Hosting a number of chapters across Canada, the Canadian officers initially joined FCPO as associate members but eventually recognized the need to be their own entity.


FCPO-USA Relocates

With a grant from the Maclellan Foundation, the decision was made in May, 1988 to relocate the FCPO-USA National Office from Los Angeles, California to Chattanooga, Tennessee.


First full-time Director

FCPO-USA hired its first full-time staff member, C. Grant Wolf, as Executive Director in 1992. A gifted businessman and Bible teacher, Grant would oversee the day-to-day operations of the ministry until 2010.


Golf Tournament

For 15 years, the annual Peace Officers Memorial Golf Classic was FCPO-USA's primary fundraising event. Many friends of the ministry and FCPO chapters helped make these tournaments successful through sponsorships and participation in the event itself.


First Website

After having a webpage since 1998, FCPO's Paul Lee coordinated, with the developer of the Way of the Master website, the development and launch of FCPO's first full, multi-page website.


Hurricane Katrina

As the only Christian police organization on the ground in Mississippi in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, FCPO-USA and FCPO-Canada members united to provide $150,000 to support recovery efforts in the aftermath of the disaster.


Lamar Moore

Lamar Moore became Executive Director upon the retirement of Grant Wolf. A long time pastor with a gift for bringing people together in unity, Lamar's tenure saw FCPO reconnecting with its roots, as well as partnering with like-minded Christian organizations.


FCPO History Published

Onward & Upward: A History of the Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers, with interviews with many of the founders and early leaders of FCPO, was researched and compiled by Stephen Martini, and published in 2011.


Paul Lee

FCPO-USA President Paul Lee became Executive Director upon the sudden illness and death of Lamar Moore. With a heart for spiritual growth and daily time spent in God's Word, Paul has guided the ministry through an extended period of steady growth.


Digital Newsletter

The FCPO Dispatch was launched as a digital newsletter designed to provide chapter activity updates, upcoming event information, and other features from the National Home Office to our members and supporters.


FCPO Filament Bible

In partnership with Tyndale House, the FCPO Edition Filament Bible was published and began to be distributed, from the National Office, as part of the membership materials provided to every active FCPO member.

Today, the Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers-USA continues to grow and impact the law enforcement community for Christ, with a membership of over 4,000 officers and over 260 local chapters across the United States.

Want to dig deeper?

To read more about us, Onward & Upward: A History of the Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers by Stephen Martini offers a complete, in-depth look at the history of FCPO, from its origins in the 1970s through its ministry to officers in the 21st century. Click here to learn more>>

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