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Paul's Perspective - True Police Reform

August 2, 2023
Paul Lee, FCPO-USA Executive Director

In recent months, three retired officers contemplating suicide have contacted the Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers-USA or were contacted by a FCPO-USA member. These officers were in a very bad place and their thoughts were very real. With love, patience, availability and the ministry of presence and concern, FCPO-USA members stepped into their lives. By gently opening God’s Word and providing real Biblical truth to each of these officers, their lives have transformed and they now have a true relationship with Christ and a new outlook on what is important in life.

Our nation’s law enforcement is still in trouble. Law enforcement agencies are understaffed, overworked and more critically scrutinized than ever before. Many leave the profession in the first few years. Others stay and many sadly turn to alcohol, prescription drugs, sex, the gym or a number of other addictions to cope with the pressure. This behavior usually leads to domestic violence, divorce and sadly, as you read above, suicide. 

You can help us step into these troubled lives with Biblical truth. Your support is critical for our continued growth in strengthening Christians in law enforcement in the Hope they already have in Christ and, with materials and hands-on training, teaching them to take this same Hope to the Hopeless around them. Because law enforcement is so distrusting of everyone outside their profession, it takes someone on the inside to reach them.

If you are able, please prayerfully consider making an investment to help us fulfill our mission of helping the brave men and women who protect us daily keep the Hope they have in Christ, live by Biblical principles on and off the job and teach others how to find the Hope they so desperately need.

Thank you in advance. Your financial partnership will provide Biblical materials and training, bringing about true police reform unlike any government program has ever seen.

Paul's Perspective is written by Paul Lee, FCPO-USA Executive Director (Retired Captain, Chattanooga P.D.)

Paul Lee retired from the Chattanooga Police Department with 29 years of service. He has been an FCPO member since 1995, is a former Chapter Chairman and has served in various capacities on the National Board. He has served as Executive Director since 2014.

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