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Touching Lives in Tent City

May 25, 2019

Once again this year, FCPO outreach team representatives spent hours on their feet in the rain, heat and humidity to share the love of Jesus at the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) "Tent City" in Washington, D.C. during National Police Week. As one of the only faith-based organizations represented, FCPO has a unique opportunity every year to meet, pray with, and share Christ with others who work in law enforcement.

It was "a wonderful time of outreach and fellowship sharing the Word of God with Law Enforcement Officers", according to team member Dino Doria. "The Lord answered prayers by allowing us to minister encouragement to each officer by sharing the gospel message, by distributing bibles, and a variety of Christian related books. Opportunities arose to share Christian testimonials related to the LEO’s profession to numerous officers. Prayers were offered on the spot to many police officers and their families who requested spiritual support. As all this was taking place, the Holy Spirit was touching individual hearts comforted with His Peace and Hope.

"I’m looking forward to 2020's outreach! In the meantime, let's thank the Lord for prayers answered!"

Each member of the team would tell you it was well worth their time and effort for the blessings they received from serving. Michael (M.C.) Williams, FCPO Denver Chapter 217 Chairman and a member of the team, summed it up well: "Police Week 2019 is in the books with some God used us to touch now saved, recommitted, helped, encouraged. challenged, warned, served and more. Thanks to all for your prayers and support!"

Your support of FCPO helps make outreach efforts like this possible. Please begin praying even now for next year's event, that God would use FCPO and its outreach team to touch the lives of law enforcement officers in attendance for His glory.

Please also consider a financial gift to FCPO-USA. It is only through your generosity that we can continue touching the lives of the men and women in law enforcement with the gospel. No amount is too small, and every gift makes a difference.

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