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FCPO Celebrates 45 Years

June 25, 2019

45 years...

Some of you haven't even been around that long! And yet on July 15, 2019, the Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers will be forty-five years old! Here at the National Office, when communicating with the founders of FCPO, hearing the excitement in their voices or reading their enthusiastic and encouraging words, it spurs our faith and reinforces the vision that God has put before us! But mostly, it is the stories of changed lives and healed hearts that come from you in the field that keeps us going. By God’s grace and through your support, FCPO continues the transformational work of connecting peace officers with one another in a growing community of faith in Christ.

Because of your prayers and financial support, over the last five years FCPO has been able to:

  • create a new interactive website totally usable on all electronic devices,
  • create a presence on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter,
  • add roughly 800 new members to FCPO,
  • charter or reactivate 22 Chapters,
  • provide Rightnow Media (the Netflix of video Bible studies) to over 1900 of our members and supporters,
  • provide over 2000 regular, New Testament, or One Year Bibles to Peace Officers around the country,
  • provide over 600 Promises for Peace Officers scripture books to Peace Officers and cadets in police academies around the country,
  • provide over 200 Peace Officers Spouses with the book, UNDER FIRE; Marriage Through the Eyes of a Cop’s Wife by Kristi Neace,
  • provide over 200 copies of Stories of Faith and Courage from Cops on the Street to Peace Officers and cadets in police academies around the country,
  • distribute literally several thousand FCPO informational brochures and Psalm 91 cards to Peace Officers around the country,
  • help send over 500 Peace Officer married couples to biblically based marriage retreats with only 8 known divorces out of this group.

Isn’t that amazing!  And God continues to open new doors and provide new opportunities for us to bring even more resources to you on the front lines.  BUT, the only way we can continue to support our membership and chapters around the country is with your continued prayer and financial support. If you are not already a monthly partner, please consider committing to giving at least $5.00 a month by clicking here.

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